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Glen's Vodka 

He only puts his name on the best

People don't think much of Glen's vodka.  To capture their attention we wanted to create a character.  With everyone being good at something, even if it's just one thing, we wanted to show that, what Glen is good at, is vodka and this is the hustle he puts his name on. 

TV Ad - Origin Story 

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Growing up in Ayr, Glen tried his hand at everything and failed at them all, from sports (football, rounders, cricket) to crafting (blacksmithing, drawing, candlemaking). You name it, he’s failed at it. Each thing he tried, he puts his absolute best into it and yet still nothing. Down in the dumps and on the brink of giving up trying anything new at all, he started working on his father’s wheat farm. After trying and failing to make bread, he realised something else he could use wheat for; Vodka. From growing the grains to fermenting it to distilling it and guess what ... He was amazing at it! It was a town hit, with people travelling far and wide to try it. 


That brings us to today, Glen’s vodka being the second-best vodka in the UK. Glen still hasn’t mastered any other talents, but at least we know his vodka is good.


Endline: He only puts his name on the best 



Approval Stickers 

This would be on special bottles of Glen's where people could have their fun by placing sticker on hustles they think Glen would approve of.

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Geln approval stickers.png

Glen's Tik Tok Account 


After many failed side hustles Glen has decided to give the world a bit of joy and show his failings to the Internet. Everyone fails at something but he only put his name on the best, the best fails in this case

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